Newsletter of the W. H. Jameson, Jr. Post 216 – Corona, California The American Legion Department of California
Volume 2021, Number 2: April - July 2021
The Covid-19 health advisories again this year postponed the Corona High School NJROTC Annual Awards Banquet at Post 742 in May; and the Department of California Boys State conference at Sacramento in June was changed to a virtual event. Corona High School NJROTC Senior Instructor Captain Jeffery Dale accepted the Post 216 awards which he subsequently distributed to the cadets. The awards were: Whitcomb Vocational Scholarship Award to Andrew Tuong with a certificate and check for $500; Gold Award to Emily Baird with a certificate, medal & ribar, and check for $200; Silver Award to Bridget Reyes with a certificate, medal & ribar, and check for $150; and the Bronze Award to Britney Garcia with a certificate, medal & ribar, and check for $100. Corona High School NJROTC student Reuben Vasquez was selected as our candidate for this year’s virtual Boys State Conference...
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